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Video Productions

Video has became a necessity for any company, brand or service.

Previously a website and a few images were sufficient, however things have developed – people want to know who they are dealing with and the most powerful way to tell your story is through video.

Weather it’s a video promo for your website, a longer film for social media or micro films for your products we at AlShaheen can help. We have the experience to create quality video which will get you noticed.

video production services

ALShaheen Productions is a full-service video production company based in Bahrain.

We manage every aspect of a project’s physical production from development, physical production, and post production through to final delivery and all nine million aspects in between.

AlShaheen uses all the latest cameras and high-end production equipment. We also use some of the most talented people in the world to operate all that equipment:

Our world-class production team consists of several hundred professional artists and master craftsmen from across the globe with a diverse palette of narrative experiences in film, television, music videos, documentaries, creative advertising, corporate videos, and viral videos.

AlShaheen production strategy is to utilize each project’s physical and human resources in a way that maximizes creative quality.

Our producers and support staff handle all the logistics including schedules, equipment, permits, and insurance, so our creative team can focus on producing great content.

AlShaheen provides video production services for:

We also offer the following à la carte production services.

Whether your project is a simple one-day studio shoot or a complex international production, we collaborate with you throughout the process to ensure an enjoyable experience—and dynamic final product—that everyone will be proud of.

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